Eventide h910 harmonizer release date
Eventide h910 harmonizer release date

eventide h910 harmonizer release date

With less and less plugins being developed in-house by UA combined with the stark reality that competitor gear and computer performance is advancing to where native latency and processing demands are becoming less of an issue, UAD's market strategy may not bode well for the long haul. I suppose the Chandler Curve Bender and the Fender amps will go the same way.

eventide h910 harmonizer release date

From the third-party developer, it is a win-win, as they are tapping into a new market while not diminishing their previous market share once it goes native. I suppose that UA is only chipping in on a smaller portion development time/cost, or perhaps even paying a small branding fee for the head start.

eventide h910 harmonizer release date

It seems that third-party UAD offerings, if "exclusive" at all, are only so for a few months at best.

Eventide h910 harmonizer release date